Here are some links which I frequently use to find some useful stuff: (great search engine for rapidshare & megaupload) (Books, software, music, movie, etc.) (Books, software, music, movie, etc.) (Books, etc.) You may benefit from a download manager like JDOWNLOADER (with plenty of googling you would easily find it) Let me "WARN" you: Use these sites at your own risk. Content you find from such sites may be subject to copyright. Even just downloading these content may be illegal. Though most of the content is scientific or intellectual, it is also possible to face, search & find sexual and/or violent content. You may also face with cheating content, pishing messages & sites which request and/or trying to collect personal/private information with or without your permission. Some of the links from these pages may lead to illegal sites. You may easily become a victim of (software, media, ...