
Ekim, 2016 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Class Notes for Introduction to Architectural Design

Please use the following code to join to this class via spiral.ac:  ZDRCA Please find the class notes here . Please note that files shall be updated every week, so do not forget to visit this post later.

Project Site Analysis

Each "Architectural Design Project" starts with a visit to the project site. The aim of this visit is to get familiar with the site and find resources to collect “data”. Then you should present that data in an organized manner. Her "Mimari Tasarım Projesi", proje sahasının ziyaret edilmesiyle başlar. Bu ziyaretin amacı proje sahasını tanımak ve “veri” toplamak için kaynaklar bulmaktır. Daha sonra bu verileri düzenli bir şekilde sunmalısınız. You should regularly visit the project site until the end of the project. Build a local citizenship for yourself. Meet with the people around. Breathe the life within that site. This study will provide you a good concept and true ideas which rely on concrete data. For your reference - at minimum - you must collect the following data: Projenin sonuna kadar proje alanını düzenli olarak ziyaret ediniz. Kendinizi o çevrenin bir bireyi haline getirin. Çevrenizdeki insanlarla tanışın. O çevredeki hayatı soluyun. ...

Bylaws of Classes

Registration Online registration to the class is required. You need to obtain a google mail (gmail) address for this purpose. If you already own one, you may continue to use that mail address, however, a new mail address with the following format is advised: [student nr.][surname]@gmail.com i.e.: 1122334455ercoskun@gmail.com Attendance Students are required to present their assignments and design development every week. You have to participate in a minimum of 80% of the classes  (meaning you may miss only 3-three classes out of 15-fifteen to be eligible to pass the course) Students who do not meet the attendance requirement will be notified as unsuccessful, and will not be eligible to take the final exam and/or submit design project.   However, because of its effect on the grading system one more miss is allowed (with a total of 4-four misses) regarding the extraordinary situations. One miss will cost 2.5 pts. Thus if you miss four times you got “Ø” for...

List of Tools & Gadgets for Introduction to Architectural Design & Presentation Techniques Courses

You may find a comprehensive list of tools and gadgets required for the Introduction to Architectural Design & Presentation Techniques Courses here . Please take a look at this website before attending to the class of the 2nd week Burada , Mimari Tasarıma Giriş ve İfade Teknikleri dersleri ile ilgili kapsamlı bir ihtiyaç listesi bulacaksınız. Lütfen dersimizin 2. Haftası için bu web sitesindeki  (ingilizce) konulara göz atın.