
Kasım, 2016 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Mid Term Examination: Introduction to Architectural Design (Take Home)

Delivery Date : December 7th, 2016, Wednesday Submission Deadline : 15:00 Please make a research on Micro-Architecture which is about; Lightweight, modular, resource friendly living spaces designed and built for a specific purpose, built on mostly at non-accessible (no vehicle access and hard to go / reach by humans) places. Presentation of your research must include; Photos, drawings, and details of the original design, cut and paste! (30pts) Drawings made by you (at least three freehand / technical sketches or a scale model) (30pts) A report of at least three hundred (300) words which discusses the design principles (40pts.) like; What is the function of the building? Why did they need such architecture? How many and what kind of spaces are included in the architectural program? (i.e. Sleeping, living, toilet, storage, etc.) How do they manage the waste (wastewater,  organic and inorganic garbage) which is produced as an output of building use? How do the...

File Naming Rules for Submissions

Please name your submissions as follows, seperate each word with "_" and do not use Turkish characters: [StudentNr]_[Name]_[Surname].[File Extension] i.e. : 20152017045_Ali_Erdogmus.skp Submissions failing to follow above naming convention shall not be accepted.