
Ocak, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Link for Final Delivery of Digital Content

You may upload your work at this link Please do not forget to open a folder for your team.

How to Label Your Submissions

Course Code: YARC 107 Course Name: Building Information I Plates belonging to YARC 107 delivery >"Architectural Design Program" and list of identified space (and end user) requirements Sample Questions to ask (answer): Family/Firm size : How many persons will live in the house initially and in the future? What are the family/organizational relationships - occupation, age, sex, marital status? Sleeping:  Are separate bedrooms and/ or houses needed for the husband and wife? Where do small children sleep - in parents room, separate room nearby? Where do the older children sleep - separate room, separate house? Are children of different sexes separated? Cooking/eating:  Is cooking done inside or outside the house or in a separate structure? Are cooking and eating done in the same area? Is there a separation between women and men, children or visitors during eating? What kind of water resources are available? Store:  How much food is stored, where? What type of ...

A Detailed Checklist for Concept Drawings

Please find below a detailed checklist for drawings. Contents: CHECKING DIMENSIONS SCALES LANDSCAPING & SITE PLAN Void FLOOR PLANS ROOF PLAN  ELEVATIONS LONGITUDINAL AND CROSS-SECTIONS STAIRS 1 DIMENSION All basic dimensions must be noted including levels and main parts of your project The dimensioning method should be consistent and meticulous. 1.1 Linear dimensions should be expressed in centimetres (cm) on building drawings, and in metres (m) on site plans. The unit symbol (cm, m) can be omitted if the following requirements are met: 1.2 Area dimensions should be expressed ln: b) square metres (m2) for floor areas of rooms (Symbols of these units MUST ALWAYS BE SHOWN on drawings where appropriate.) 2. SCALES Preferred Scales Site plan 1/500 for Site analysis, 1:200 for project cover page with a site section. General location 1:200 Floor plan, section and elevation drawings 1:50 (drawn in 1:100 detail) 3. SITE PLAN Indicate the lot orientatio...

Work Program and Presentation Template Draft

Final delivery of Introduction to Architecture and Building Information I (Theory of Buildings) courses shall be on Wednesday, 25th January 2017 I will designate recovery sessions on Wednesday, 18th January 2017 09:00 - 15:00 Friday, 20th January 2017 09:00 - 15:00 and on Saturday 21st January 2017 10:00 - 17:00 (only if necessary) Please find the delivery requirements and draft work program as well as the draft plate (and ppt) template below: Draft Work Program Template Document

Some Drawing and Presentation Examples for INTOARCH

1/50 Scale Plans, Sections and Elevations 1/100 Scale Plans, Sections and Elevations 1/500 Site Plan and Section (Silhouette Drawing)

Be Ready!

With this post, I want to remind you the following are due for the lecture on January 9th, 2017 (Monday) Site analysis plates for the design studio subject ( examples here ) SkechUp Model of the site Concept development plate defining: Context with the facts and conditions extracted from site analysis (in terms of people, history, culture, environment, climate, etc.) Project scenario (story of a day there focusing on various functions and utilities, interactions with the environment and experiences both from the eye of the owner and user) Schemas showing interior dynamics of design ( a few examples here , more examples here ) Architectural Program Architectural Function Resolution Schema A "one sentence" definition of the design concept You have to read pages 1 to 75 from " Time-saver Standards for Architectural Design " book. A quiz will take place sometime between 08:30 and 10:00 it will take 15min. Questions shall be from this book. You need ...

Site Plan Drawing in SketchUp

You may follow the instructions below to prepare your site plan in SketchUp: http://www.firstinarchitecture.co.uk/how-to-create-a-site-model-in-sketchup/ Site modeling in SketchUp YouTube video

Coursebook for Introduction to Architecture

Please find the pdf version of the book here