
2016 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Examples for Site Analysis

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6 Example 7 Example 8 Example 9 Example 10 Please do not forget to refer to my previous post about site analysis! Good Luck

Procedures for Delivery of Homework, Deadline: 26/12/2016

Deadline to deliver all of your homework is 26th December 2016. You have to deliver again even if you have previously put it onto Spiral.ac . Nothing delivered after this date shall be accepted. Please upload your work to the following folders: Please note that; Images you upload must be maximum 500KB. / Image Any other work must be maximum 10MB. / Document You have to follow the file naming rules! Analysis & Synthesis. Select an "Object" identify and analyze pieces (decomposition), identify relationships (ontology & system), make your own synthesis (integration). Present the process on A4 size papers via sketch drawings, plans, elevations, and sections. “The Dot”. Make definitions, develop a philosophy, present with a 2D monochrome artwork. Please upload your work from week 3 Subtract, Add, Render. Solid & Void; Symmetry & Equilibrium. Morph a cube into a sculpture. Render its faces with your work from Week 3. Please upload your work from Week 4....

The Term Project Subject, Organization & Requirements

Scope of this term's Architectural Design Studio is to achieve an ecological efficiency through the use of natural resources and spatial planning. In order to achieve this goal, you will have to work in groups which are composed of 5 (min) OR 6 (max) Students. Each group will organize itself to solve the following problems: Site Selection and Visit to Site You have to select your site from "Caferaga District" in "Kadikoy Town". You may find some predefined example sites and buildings below: Piri Çavuş Street  Albay Faik Sözdener Street 1 Albay Faik Sözdener Street 2 Then you have to  carry on a site analysis. Follow up the procedure defined in this post . Concept development Define the philosophy behind your Architectural approach to the design problem. Just like people, the built environment also demands some attention. The environment must accept your building. Try to give answers for the following questions: Why? What? How? When? Whe...

Architectural Design Studio, Architectural Program, Alternative 3

Architects' Office Entrance Workshop Manager's Office Archive Restroom (Staff / Customer) Other suitable / required functions Total Area Shall not Exceed 60m²

Architectural Design Studio, Architectural Program, Alternative 2

Cafe Eating Area Kitchen Management Office Payment Desk Cloakroom Toilet Other suitable / required functions Total Area will not exceed 60m²

Architectural Design Studio, Architectural Program, Alternative 1

Residential Unit Bathroom/WC  Kitchen  Living Area  A veranda (or porch)  Other suitable additions in accordance to the place and function  Total area will not exceed 60 m²


Ey Oğul! Beysin! Bundan sonra öfke bize; uysallık sana... Güceniklik bize; gönül almak sana.. Suçlamak bize; katlanmak sana.. Acizlik bize, yanılgı bize; hoş görmek sana.. Geçimsizlikler, çatışmalar, uyumsuzluklar, anlaşmazlıklar bize; adalet sana.. Kötü göz, şom ağız, haksız yorum bize; bağışlama sana... Bundan sonra bölmek bize; bütünlemek sana.. Üşengeçlik bize; uyarmak, gayretlendirmek, şekillendirmek sana.. Ey Oğul! Yükün ağır, işin çetin, gücün kıla bağlı, Allah Teala yardımcın olsun. Beyliğini mübarek kılsın. Hak yoluna yararlı etsin. Işığını parıldatsın. Uzaklara iletsin. Sana yükünü taşıyacak güç, ayağını sürçtürmeyecek akıl ve kalp versin. Sen ve arkadaşlarınız kılıçla, bizim gibi dervişler de düşünce, fikir ve dualarla bize va’dedilenin önünü açmalıyız. Tıkanıklığı temizlemeliyiz. Oğul! Güçlü, kuvvetli, akıllı ve kelamlısın. Ama bunları nerede ve nasıl kullanacağını bilmezsen sabah rüzgarlarında savrulur gidersin.. Öfken ve nefsin bir olup aklını mağlup eder. Bunu...

Answers to Questions about Mid-Term Examination

I have received a lot of queries about Mid-Term Examination(s). Please find the additional information you need below: For Introduction to Architectural Design Exam What shall be the paper quality? Paper quality; 100gr. paper minimum. 300gr. better. What shall we do in PowerPoint? Please prepare all your work in PowerPoint (for the 2nd plate you may craft a handwork / make a freehand drawing and deliver as is OR you may take a photo with office lens, insert it into a PowerPoint slide and deliver it. Original version of your authentic work must still be delivered with your printed work in that case) Deliver both digital PowerPoint documents (via the link provided) and the printed versions (at the examination time & room) Plate contents; 1st Plate shall include all authentic material you had chosen. This is mostly a copy & paste work from the original source(s). 2nd Plate shall be your handmade work based on the first plate. A replica of the first plate is ok but,...

Mid Term Examination: Theory of Buildings (Take Home)

Delivery Date : December 7th, 2016, Wednesday Submission Deadline : 15:00 You have a 240cm. wall. Design a kitchen and dining space on one side of the wall (50pts) and,  Design a bathroom and toilet with a resting place on the other side (50pts) . Refer to the Neufert book for appropriate dimensions of spaces and furniture/appliances/gadgets. Required drawings (One A3 plate used at portrait orientation): Plan (1/20 Scale) (40pts) Section-Elevation from Kitchen (Cupboards and cabinets must be indicated as well as the floor and ceiling) (1/20 Scale) (40pts) A SketchUP Model (20pts) ( Please upload here ) Example Illustration: Examination score shall be the interpolation of design and drawing points. You may use color Drawing technique is free If you have any questions, please send them to  doarch@gmail.com Good luck!

Mid Term Examination: Introduction to Architectural Design (Take Home)

Delivery Date : December 7th, 2016, Wednesday Submission Deadline : 15:00 Please make a research on Micro-Architecture which is about; Lightweight, modular, resource friendly living spaces designed and built for a specific purpose, built on mostly at non-accessible (no vehicle access and hard to go / reach by humans) places. Presentation of your research must include; Photos, drawings, and details of the original design, cut and paste! (30pts) Drawings made by you (at least three freehand / technical sketches or a scale model) (30pts) A report of at least three hundred (300) words which discusses the design principles (40pts.) like; What is the function of the building? Why did they need such architecture? How many and what kind of spaces are included in the architectural program? (i.e. Sleeping, living, toilet, storage, etc.) How do they manage the waste (wastewater,  organic and inorganic garbage) which is produced as an output of building use? How do the...

File Naming Rules for Submissions

Please name your submissions as follows, seperate each word with "_" and do not use Turkish characters: [StudentNr]_[Name]_[Surname].[File Extension] i.e. : 20152017045_Ali_Erdogmus.skp Submissions failing to follow above naming convention shall not be accepted. 

Class Notes for Introduction to Architectural Design

Please use the following code to join to this class via spiral.ac:  ZDRCA Please find the class notes here . Please note that files shall be updated every week, so do not forget to visit this post later.

Project Site Analysis

Each "Architectural Design Project" starts with a visit to the project site. The aim of this visit is to get familiar with the site and find resources to collect “data”. Then you should present that data in an organized manner. Her "Mimari Tasarım Projesi", proje sahasının ziyaret edilmesiyle başlar. Bu ziyaretin amacı proje sahasını tanımak ve “veri” toplamak için kaynaklar bulmaktır. Daha sonra bu verileri düzenli bir şekilde sunmalısınız. You should regularly visit the project site until the end of the project. Build a local citizenship for yourself. Meet with the people around. Breathe the life within that site. This study will provide you a good concept and true ideas which rely on concrete data. For your reference - at minimum - you must collect the following data: Projenin sonuna kadar proje alanını düzenli olarak ziyaret ediniz. Kendinizi o çevrenin bir bireyi haline getirin. Çevrenizdeki insanlarla tanışın. O çevredeki hayatı soluyun. ...

Bylaws of Classes

Registration Online registration to the class is required. You need to obtain a google mail (gmail) address for this purpose. If you already own one, you may continue to use that mail address, however, a new mail address with the following format is advised: [student nr.][surname]@gmail.com i.e.: 1122334455ercoskun@gmail.com Attendance Students are required to present their assignments and design development every week. You have to participate in a minimum of 80% of the classes  (meaning you may miss only 3-three classes out of 15-fifteen to be eligible to pass the course) Students who do not meet the attendance requirement will be notified as unsuccessful, and will not be eligible to take the final exam and/or submit design project.   However, because of its effect on the grading system one more miss is allowed (with a total of 4-four misses) regarding the extraordinary situations. One miss will cost 2.5 pts. Thus if you miss four times you got “Ø” for...

List of Tools & Gadgets for Introduction to Architectural Design & Presentation Techniques Courses

You may find a comprehensive list of tools and gadgets required for the Introduction to Architectural Design & Presentation Techniques Courses here . Please take a look at this website before attending to the class of the 2nd week Burada , Mimari Tasarıma Giriş ve İfade Teknikleri dersleri ile ilgili kapsamlı bir ihtiyaç listesi bulacaksınız. Lütfen dersimizin 2. Haftası için bu web sitesindeki  (ingilizce) konulara göz atın.

Teknik Çizim Esasları - Farklı Ölçekler İçin / Technical Drawing Samples for Various Scales

Please find an introduction to "Technical Drawing" course  here Hem "İfade Teknikleri" hem de "Yapı Elemanları" dersleri için faydalanabileceğiniz teknik çizim ve sunum örneklerini burada, "örnekler" klasörü içerisinde bulabilirsiniz (bağlantılar geçici olarak kaldırılmıştır). Please find technical drawing samples for different drawing scales  here (links are temporarily removed), that may be useful for your work, specifically in "Expression Techniques" and "Building Elements" courses. Introduction to Technical Drawing by Kerem Ercoskun is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License . Based on a work at http://bit.ly/2dmhCRs .

"Yapı Elemanları" dersleri, ders notları / Course notes for "Building Components" courses

Yapı Elemanları I ve Yapı Elemanları II dersleri ile ilgili ders notlarını bu bağlantıda bulabilirsiniz Please find the course notes for Building Components I & Building Components II courses here

Ders Katılım Kılavuzu / Tutorial for Joining to Courses

Spiral üzerinden ders ortamına katılım ile ilgili klavuzu bu linkte bulabilirsiniz. Please find the tutorial teaching how to join to the Spiral here .

MIM 108 (Mimari) İfade Teknikleri II / Architectural Communication Techniques II 2015 - 2016 Bahar Dönemi

Merhaba, MIM 108 (Mimari) İfade Teknikleri II dersine katılmak için gerekli kod: 2um6tg4 Derse nasıl kayıt olacaksınız? https://classroom.google.com  adresine gidiniz kullanıcı adı: [öğrencino]@st.meliksah.edu.tr şifre: TC Kimlik No Bu bilgilerle giriş yapınız. Girişte rolünüzü "öğrenci" olarak seçiniz. Ödevler bu adresten yayınlanacak ve teslim alınacaktır. Sorun durumunda buradan iletişime geçiniz. Başarı dileklerimiz ile, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hallo, MIM 108 Architectural Communication Techniques II course registration code is: 2um6tg4 Registration procedure: Go to https://classroom.google.com user name: [studentno]@st.meliksah.edu.tr password: National Identity Code or Passport Nr. Login to the system with the above credentials. Select your role as "Student (or 'öğrenci')" during first login. All homework shall be delivered and submitted via this platform. In case ...

MIM 205 Yapı Elemanları II, 2015-2016 Bahar Dönemi

Merhaba, MIM 205 Yapı Elemanları II dersine katılmak için gerekli kod: ryinm5r Derse nasıl kayıt olacaksınız? https://classroom.google.com  adresine gidiniz kullanıcı adı: [öğrencino]@st.institution.edu.tr şifre: TC Kimlik No Bu bilgilerle giriş yapınız. Girişte rolünüzü "öğrenci" olarak seçiniz. Ödevler bu adresten yayınlanacak ve teslim alınacaktır. Sorun durumunda buradan iletişime geçiniz. Başarı dileklerimiz ile, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hallo, MIM 205 Building Components II course registration code is: ryinm5r Registration procedure: Go to https://classroom.google.com user name: [studentno]@st.kurumadi.edu.tr password: National Identity Code or Passport Nr. Login to the system with the above credentials. Select your role as "Student (or 'öğrenci')" during first login. All homework shall be delivered and submitted via this platform. In case of trouble contact us. ...

MIM 118 Yapı Elemanları I, 2015-2016 Bahar Dönemi

Tekrar Merhaba, MIM 118 Yapı Elemanları I dersine katılmak için gerekli kod: 5bqybt Derse nasıl kayıt olacaksınız? https://classroom.google.com  adresine gidiniz kullanıcı adı: [öğrencino]@st.institution.edu.tr şifre: TC Kimlik No Bu bilgilerle giriş yapınız. Girişte rolünüzü "öğrenci" olarak seçiniz. Ödevler bu adresten yayınlanacak ve teslim alınacaktır. Sorun durumunda buradan iletişime geçiniz. Başarı dileklerimiz ile, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hallo, MIM 118 Building Components I course registration code is: 5bqybt Registration procedure: Go to https://classroom.google.com user name: [studentno]@st.kurumadi.edu.tr password: National Identity Code or Passport Nr. Login to the system with the above credentials. Select your role as "Student (or 'öğrenci')" during first login. All homework shall be delivered and submitted via this platform. In case of trouble contact us....