
2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

MIMB 142 ve 241 Yaz Okulu Uygulama Bilgi ve Bağlantıları

Soldaki bağlantıda uygulama sorusunu, sağdaki bağlantıda ödev teslimi için gerekli bağlantıyı bulacaksınız. Bu bir "yaparak öğrenme" uygulamasıdır. Eksik bulduğunuz bilgileri "kendi inisiyatifiniz ve önerileriniz" ile tamamlamanız beklenmektedir. Yanlış bir karar aldıysanız, ders akışı sırasında birlikte düzeltilecektir. MIMB 142 Uygulama Sorusu  | Çalışmalarınız bu bağlantıdan yükleyiniz... MIMB241 Uygulama Sorusu  | Çalışmalarınızı bu bağlantıdan yükleyiniz... Başarılar!

Recovery Exam for ARCD142 Building Technology - I

You will have to submit the following based on your own Architectural Design Project you are about to complete for The ARCD102 Course (or whichever studio you are in): Ground Floor Plan, Scale: 1/50 The plan shall be drawn with the details of the immediate environment (landscaping, patios, etc.) Indicate structural axes (either it is a solid structure of frame structure) Interior and Exterior dimensions are required. Note all necessary elevations on the plan. Indicate the placement of cross sections . Please design stairs (three steps min.) at the entrance porch of your building. Do not forget to indicate the projection of the eaves of the roof above and show the place of rainwater downpipes. Foundation Plan, Scale: 1/50 Indicate structural axes (either it is a solid structure of frame structure) Interior and Exterior dimensions are required. Two sections, Scale: 1/50 Indicate structural axes (identify either it is a solid structure of frame structure) Show roofing structure, name the ...

Information About ARCD 142 - Mid Term Examination

The type of exam had been changed. In respect to various messages you sent, a take-home style examination shall be rolled. The question is available for you to access it. The submission deadline is Monday, 20th April 2020 @ 12:00 (noon). All necessary information and guidance are attached to the official exam announcement in O'Learn platform. The deadline for questions is until the end of the lecture session due today (11:00am). No examination in the form of a test etc. is planned for today. Maybe at a later time... Good luck!

MIMBS403 - Örnek Dokümanlar

MIMBS403 - Yapı Üretimi ve Organizasyonu ile ilgili ders notları örnekleri bu bağlantıda bulabilirsiniz. paylaşımın gecikmesi nedeniyle Vize Sınavı yerine geçecek olan ördev teslimi 22 Nisan 2020 Çarşamba gününe (saat 17:00'a kadar) ertelenmiştir.

Yapı Üretimi Ve Organizasyonu (MIMBS403)

Çalışmalarınızı paylaşmak için gerekli bağlantı O'Learn platformu altında paylaşılmıştır. Bugün sabah saat 10:00'dan i,tibaren ödev detaylarını görebileceksiniz. Teslim süresi 17 Nisan 2020 saat 10:00'a kadardır. Birim fiyat analizleriniz dahil bu bağlantıdan paylaşılacaktır. Çalışmanın bütünü Ara-Sınav (Vize) notu olarak değerlendirilecektir. Arada tashih almak isteyenler, aşağıdaki bağlantıyı kullansınlar: Geçici ödev yükleme

Construction Technology I (ARCD 142) - Link to Submit Your Work

Please obey the file naming rules before uploading your work. You must upload all documents even if you've sent them via email before. Çalışmalarınızı yüklemeden önce lütfen çalışmanıza dosya adlandırma kurallarına göre isim verdiğinizden emin olun. Daha önce e-posta yolu iletmiş olduğunuz çalışmaları da yüklemeniz gerekmektedir. Please upload your files here. Lütfen çalışmalarınızı bu bağlantıdan yükleyiniz.

Önemli Duyuru


Tomorrow's Lecture for ARCH521

A kind reminder for the students taking ARCH521 - Environmental Analysis & Management: Please note that our lecture on Thursday, 12th March 2020 shall start at 12:30

ARCD142 Classwork I & Homework I

ARCD142 - Construction Technology I Classwork & Homework I due to Friday, 13th March 2020 Below sketch ground plans of two buildings are given. Please define their structure, design their foundations, and indicate the structural elements and materials used. Name the principal load distribution axes and give necessary dimensions. Please use sketch drawings and diagram presentations for your answers as well as verbal explanations. Please prepare a scale model of the solid structure.      SCALE: 1 / 50

Syllabus Repository

I am in the process of rearranging course related information. All rules and syllabuses can (shall) be accessed from this link (under construction).  I will provide detail information later. Dersler ile ilgili tüm bilgiler (ve notlar) yeniden düzenlenmektedir. Daha önce buradan paylaştığım tüm kurallar ve ders izlencelerini (tamamlandıkça) bu bağlantıdan indirebilirsiniz. İleride daha detaylı bilgi paylaşacağım.

ARCD 241 - Instructions for Final Submission

Tomorrow is the big day! You may find the required information to submit your final work below: First things first: Please read previous post about final submissions and make sure you did not miss anything Evaluation Critertia: Staircase: %60 (of which %10 for the ballustrade detail, %15 for each section / section-elevation, %20 for the plans) Roofing: %40 (of which %10 for the ridge OR eaves detail, %10 for each of the plan and two sections) The following checklist is provided to help you "not to miss" any major requirement: Staircase: Staircase Plans: Most Important: The staircase ballustrade securing the interior of the staircase is continous and at the top floor, it is correctly terminated. Staircase is drawn according to the applicable design principles and standards; in particular, the landing depth is not less than the step length. Important: Are all the floor plans had been drawn according to basic technical drawing rules? Structural ...

Continous Exterior Water Isolation / Dampproofing at Raft Foundations (Basement Tanking)

The most descriptive illustration I found is the one below: The original version of this illustration is found here The red stripes are special dampproofing materials. Because the raft foundation and shear walls are constructed one after another; the adherence in between cannot be guaranteed and a joint is formed which is called a "cold" joint (the grey line in between). Water can penetrate from this joint and to prevent that, a special insulation material that expands when met with water is applied here. This type of isolation is also necessary if for some reason we create holes on the shear wall. One other insulation required on the shear wall is applied to close holes on the wall which are leftovers of forming work. Cementitious material is applied to these holes which does not change its size (shrink) when freezes. The blue layers are the actual water isolation layers. The most common type is in the form of bituminous roll sheets as can be seen in below ph...

MIMBS / ARCDE 403 Final [Ödevi / Submission] [Bağlantısı /Link]

Lütfen çalışmamızı bu bağlantıdan yükleyiniz. Please upload your work here.