
Haziran, 2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Recovery Exam for ARCD142 Building Technology - I

You will have to submit the following based on your own Architectural Design Project you are about to complete for The ARCD102 Course (or whichever studio you are in): Ground Floor Plan, Scale: 1/50 The plan shall be drawn with the details of the immediate environment (landscaping, patios, etc.) Indicate structural axes (either it is a solid structure of frame structure) Interior and Exterior dimensions are required. Note all necessary elevations on the plan. Indicate the placement of cross sections . Please design stairs (three steps min.) at the entrance porch of your building. Do not forget to indicate the projection of the eaves of the roof above and show the place of rainwater downpipes. Foundation Plan, Scale: 1/50 Indicate structural axes (either it is a solid structure of frame structure) Interior and Exterior dimensions are required. Two sections, Scale: 1/50 Indicate structural axes (identify either it is a solid structure of frame structure) Show roofing structure, name the ...